Thursday, May 28, 2009


Ok folks, nothing much to report on...

School is kicking into full swing, and I actually have to start doing work... weird! I've already knocked out a 21-page paper in Spanish over the archeology of ancient Egypt, and now I'm working on a 15-page paper analyzing a Spanish author. No fun, but it'll be done soon enough. Having to do 3 weeks of work in exchange for essentially a 4-month vacation? I guess I'm ok with that...
I have 2 finals to take, translation and archeology. Translation won't be too bad because she's giving us Americans an easier final, and she promised we wouldn't fail, so I'm not too worried about that one. Archeology on the other hand... that one will be interesting. But finals aren't until June 15 and 16, so I have plenty of time to study.

Next Thursday, June 4th, 5 of us are going Palma Mallorca for 4 days! It's a small Spanish island with apparently amazing beaches! We're going to celebrate my 21st birthday in style! :) Sun, sand, friends, fun... what more could I ask for! I'm so excited, it's going to be BOMB!

We get back on the 8th, and from the 8th until the 16th, it's all studying and working on schoolwork. But the second I turn in my last final on the 16th, the party starts! :) On June 17th three friends and I are going on a little trip to London and Amsterdam!!! I can't wait to see the Anne Fank House in Amsterdam! After Amsterdam we're all heading back to London, then Kara and Maria are flying to Rome, and Lydz and I are flying back to DUBLIN! haha, what can we say? We loved it! Plus, when you find round-trip tickets for 12 euro, you just can't pass that up! So we're just tacking on a few extra days to our journey. We're all flying back to Alicante on June 25th. Then a few days to rest up and get organized, and on the 29th I pick up my parents from the airport!!!!!!! Ahhhh I'm sOoOoOo excited! We're staying in Murcia for 2 nights, then hittin' the road and exploring Spain! We're going to Granada, Madrid, Segovia, Pamplona (RUNNING OF THE BULLS!!!), and Barcelona! Then we all fly home on July 10th! So really, when you think about it, I have barely any time left here at all. Besides those couple weeks of school, the rest of my time is basically traveling. It's going to flllllllyyyyy by!

Going to the beach tomorrow, but other than that, nothing exciting. So, when something cool happens, I'll update again!

I added pics of my apartment on Picasa. Check it ooooout

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're doing a little studying, Kels. I'm soooo jealous, I want to go back to Ireland too! Your time is almost over, I'm so glad you've taken full advantage of your opportunities. Can't wait to see you. Love you, Lee
