Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29

Well, not much to tell about lately. We started the language class Tuesday, and it is very easy so far. It's basically like a review, which is kinda nice, but then again I'd like to learn something. Brittany, Kara, and I all have the same class, and it's from 4:30 to 8pm! It works perfect with my schedule because then I can stay up later and Skype, sleep in, and go to class. Wonderful. We've been slowly exploring the city and all the little shops. There are sooo many shops! I swear, even if we went to 5 everyday that we are here for 6 months, we wouldn't make it to them all! It's crazy! I love it. We went to the Market today, which happens every Thursday morning. We got there around 8:15- I know, shocking for me! I love the market, it's probably my favorite thing about Murcia so far! I love the fresh fruit, and all the clothes and stuff is so cheap. We got lots of fruit- apples, bananas, strawberries, pineapple. I bought 3 shirts for 15 euro, and they're really cute! I left all my Spain scarves at home, which was STUPID, so I bought a few today. I also got another bag/purse. Of course, everything was cheap. You know me, bargain shopper. We spent over 2 hours there this morning, and we didn't even hit it all up! I'm gonna siesta for a few hours, then we're setting up bank accounts and going to class. The whole city literally shuts down for a few hours every afternoon for siesta, which is nap. Almost all the stores close, and people go home and nap. I could sure get used to this lifestyle :)

Last night we started planning our week long excursion before school starts. We decided to go to France! We worked for a few hours last night looking up trains, planes, hotels, hostels, tours, buses, absolutely everything! It was all very confusing and frustrating, and we just gave up for the night. We'll probably work on it again today, but at this rate we might just never leave Murcia- it's so much work! And all the traveling is definitely going to add up, but I guess I might as well do as much as I can because I'll probably never get this opportunity again. So I may be broke and in debt to my parents for a few years... oh well, you only live once, so you better live it up while you can!

Here's a few pics I've taken thus far:
This is a Weed Shop. I kid you not. We saw the bongs so we stepped inside. There was potting soil and stuff to grow weed everywhere. The aroma of weed filled the air, so we darted out of there!

This is the view from Brittany's balcony. Check out how close we are to the mountains!

Excuse the pole, but this is another view of the mountains and the pavilion. When it gets warmer sometimes there is live music and dancing. We already have front row seats from Brittany's balcony!

Some buildings up in the mountains. Again from Brittany's balcony.

This is the bridge that's about a 30 second walk from my apt. El Rio (the river) is really beautiful.

This is La Plaza de Toros, otherwise known as a bull ring. There will be bullfights here, and it's right across the street from Kara's apt, and about 7 minutes from mine.

Again, La Plaza de Toros

Look! They have my favorite Disney movie in Spanish! Score!

That's all for now! Love you all!


  1. Ahhhh - Life IS good. Thanks for the pix and narrative. I'm so excited for you - wish I could check out those shops with you. Hugs & Blessings.

  2. I remember the weed shops, Señora Loeffler knew all about them for some reason...

    Yo soy celoso de tú porque tú estás en España. ¡regresas a casa pronto!

    P.S. Your car makes for warm drives to school on cold days. Remote ignition = the balls.

  3. Oh Kelsy, what damage we could do in those shops! I wish I were there, cheap sounds good. Keep the blogs coming, I enjoy reading them so much. Love you much.

  4. Oops, misspelled your name. I really should proofread shouldn't I?
