Sunday, February 1, 2009

One Month Down!

Ok, so I haven't been here for a month, but January's over, so we'll just pretend! It sure feels like I've been here a month...

Language class is alright. I'm not really learning anything new, but it isn't too bad because some of the people in there are pretty funny. Made some new friends from Lithuania, Belgium, London, and somewhere in France. It's good practice to speak Spanish with them, cause we're all on the same page. One more week, and we're outta there!
If we get all the planning done, hopefully we'll be heading to Paris over our week break for a few days. I have to buy a EuroRail pass, which is ridiculously expensive, but hey, I'm only here once! Our new motto is "Cuando en Murcia," or "When in Murcia..." Live it up!

I haven't been doing anything with my life lately... stayed in my room all day yesterday, and headed over to Brit's at about 8ish to have dinner. My internet isn't working at my apartment, so I've been practically living over here. Brittany went out last night, and I stayed home in her apartment and just stayed the night, and haven't left yet today. haha, guess that makes me a freeloader! Well, unil my internet is fixed, hope she doesn't mind having another roomie! :) It better get fixed soon, because I'm going crazy without it! I can't stand not having it, because it's my only link to the outside world!

Friday morning we had to get up early and meet Borja at 9am to get our NIE numbers, which is basically a number for foreigners so that we can get out stipend from the school. It took 2 hours, and was about a 35-40 minute walk. It stunk. But I went home and took a nap til I had to leave for class at 4. I am literally doing NOTHING with my life! I can't wait for school to start so at least I'll have something to do during the days. I'm going crazy with boredom.

I took a few more pictures the other day, here they are:

A building close to La Plaza Santo Domingo

La Plaza Santo Domingo. That statue looks like a giant pile of dog poop... modern art I guess. haha

A pretty building...

Heads all over the place!

A head at La Plaza Santo Domingo

La Plaza Santo Domingo has lots of statues of heads.

Sweet hair

This guy has big ears. It kinda reminds me of Christian Moody... NOT!

La Buena Tapa, where I tried 3 new things. They were pretty good, but I could not tell you what the heck they were...

La Iglesia Catedral. Each level represents a differnt age of art.

Catedral again

Another view of the Catedral.. and no, I'm not spelling it wrong. That's how it's spelled in Spanish.

A close up of the cathedral.

La Sardina. It's a giant sardine fountain in the middle of the river. Crys told me about it, so I had to take a picture of it!

1 comment:

  1. Kels: Get up and out girlfriend! You might be too busy to explore once school starts. Thanks for the posts and pictures - it's fun to read them and see the sights. Live it up doll!
